following the accepted solution in chronicle-bytes shared DirectBytesStores I have now set up my code in the same way to the accepted answer.
I'm generating 1,000,000 objects that I write out to a MappedFile and I would like each object to be able to manage their own reads/writes to the MappedFile:
public class DataObject {
public static final int LENGTH = 12;
private static final int A_OFFSET = 0;
private static final int B_OFFSET = 4;
private PointerBytesStore bytes;
public DataObject(long memoryAddress) {
this.bytes = new PointerBytesStore();
this.bytes.set(memoryAddress, LENGTH)
public int getA() {
return this.bytes.readInt(A_OFFSET);
public void setA(int a) {
Then I create DataObject with:
MappedFile file = MappedFile.mappedFile(new File(tmpfile), 64 << 10);
MappedBytes mappedBytes = MappedBytes.mappedBytes(mappedFile);
int offset = 0;
List<DataObject> myList = new ArrayList<>();
for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
int address = mappedBytes.addressForRead(offset);
myList.add(new DataObject(address));
offset += DataObject.LENGTH;
I have found, using code similar to above, that chronicle-bytes generates a segfault once I reach ~100,000 objects. The segfault tends to happen when trying to read or write to the PointerBytesStore but is not predictable.
Is this a bug in chronicle-bytes or is am I misusing the library? Any help/suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
MappedFile maps in chunks of memory at a time. Unless you retain those chunks by reserving them, the memory is released when it no longer uses them.
One solution is to use a large chunk so you only ever use one chunk.
Another approach is to.use Chronicle Map as it will manage the memory as required.