In my app I allow user to set background color and images. So to make sure that all necessary information and icons are visible, I use text with shadow of different color. It is easy to set it by setting shadow properties in xml.
However, I could not find a way to draw outline on vector drawable. I found similar questions however the answers are more or less drawing rectangular or square background with shadow. That makes it look too ugly in my case. I want to outline the shape instead of setting background to square with shaddow.
I found a trick. Surprisingly it's very simple.
Answer 1. Make a copy of vector drawable - give it diff name. 2. Change the height and width in the xml
<vector **android:height="28dp" android:width="28dp"**
android:viewportHeight="24.0" android:viewportWidth="24.0"
<path android:fillColor="#56F0FF00" android:pathData="M1,21h4L5,9L1,9v12zM23,10c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2h-6.31l0.95,-4.57 0.03,-0.32c0,-0.41 -0.17,-0.79 -0.44,-1.06L14.17,1 7.59,7.59C7.22,7.95 7,8.45 7,9v10c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h9c0.83,0 1.54,-0.5 1.84,-1.22l3.02,-7.05c0.09,-0.23 0.14,-0.47 0.14,-0.73v-1.91l-0.01,-0.01L23,10z"/>