How to put a Kendo ListView into the content of a Kendo PanelBar?

I have to put a dynamically filled ListView into a dynamically created Panel. The listview is in a div with the id listView

I tried the following:


            text: "Group1",
            encoded: false,
            content: $("\#listView")          //puts [object Object]
            content: '<object type="text/html" data="#listView" ></object>' //puts the whole html-page into panel, very interesting behaviour

Is it possible to put a div into a panel or do I have to use partial views/ a long string where the listview is built and how.

I also tried to put the ListView as template of the PanelBar:


<script id="panelbar-template" type="text/kendo-ui-template">

<div id="panelBar" style="margin:0 auto; width: 90%">


  • For one panel, I put my ListView into a 'MyPartialView.cshtml' and wrote the following in my 'index.cshtml':

        .Items(panelbar =>
             .Content(@<text> <div> abc @Html.Partial("MyPartialView")</div></text>); //THIS DID IT

    for dynamic contents, I worked with Partial Views