I am using the geonames
zip code data file at this link. A sample data from above file is as below:
IT 67010 Barete Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.4501 13.2806 4
IT 67012 Cagnano Amiterno Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.4574 13.2279 4
IT 67012 San Giovanni Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.4642 13.2584 4
IT 67013 Mascioni Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5282 13.3492 4
IT 67013 Campotosto Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5588 13.368 4
IT 67013 Poggio Cancelli Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5623 13.327 4
IT 67013 Ortolano Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5193 13.4238 4
IT 67014 Capitignano Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5204 13.3012 4
IT 67015 Montereale Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5233 13.2459 4
IT 67015 Marana Di Montereale Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.4967 13.2236 4
IT 67015 San Giovanni Paganica Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5057 13.2762 4
IT 67015 Aringo Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5554 13.2671 4
IT 67015 Ville Di Fano Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.5248 13.1864 4
IT 67015 Cesaproba Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.4985 13.1864 4
IT 67015 Marana Abruzzi AB L'Aquila AQ 42.4967 13.2236 4
In the above file the second section in each line(the 5 digit numeric code after IT
) is the zip code. The second last and third last fields in each line(the 2 float numbers towards the end) are the latitude and longitude.
I am trying to extract these 3 fields and am having some difficulty especially for latitude and longitude part. Here is the code I have written so far:
zip_code = ''
latitude = ''
longitude = ''
file1 = open("IT.txt", "r")
for line in file1:
line = line.rstrip('\n')
zip_code = line[3:8]
latitude = line[-17:-10]
longitude = line[-9:-2]
Below is some of the sample output for latitude and longitude:
As you can some of the latitude and longitude are not of standard length(Majority of the latitude and longitude have 4 digits after decimal but some have only 3). This is causing issue in proper formatting. How can I extract the latitude and longitude fields from each line in above file?
You were pretty close!
I would just suggest indexing in directly since you know which column they are instead of trying to parse by slicing:
with open('data.txt', 'r') as f:
data = f.readlines()
for line in data:
line_sequence = line.split()
zipcode, lat, long = line_sequence[1], line_sequence[-2], line_sequence[-3]
print zipcode, lat, long
67010 13.2806 42.4501
67012 13.2279 42.4574
67012 13.2584 42.4642
67013 13.3492 42.5282
67013 13.368 42.5588
67013 13.327 42.5623
67013 13.4238 42.5193
67014 13.3012 42.5204
67015 13.2459 42.5233
67015 13.2236 42.4967
67015 13.2762 42.5057
67015 13.2671 42.5554
67015 13.1864 42.5248
67015 13.1864 42.4985
67015 13.2236 42.4967