
HTML table to PPT using PPtxgen

I'm using PptxGen to create PowerPoint tabular reports of HTML generated in QlikView extension. I'm using function addSlidesForTable to pass HTML table id.

Syntax below:

pptx.addSlidesForTable("tabAutoPaging", {addHeaderToEach:true,master:'MASTER_SLIDE',options:{x:0.4, y:120}} );

The master slide is perfectly applied and the header is also printed on each slide. However, x and y position has no effect of changing the values in the statement above. Anything I'm missing here?


  • Provide x and y positions without the options parameter.

    Your addSlidesForTable method call should be like

    pptx.addSlidesForTable("tabAutoPaging1",{addHeaderToEach:true,master:'MASTER_SLIDE', x:0.5, y:3.5} })