I'm trying to display MStest, Nunit3, Nunit2 results using Xunit Plugin and using Jenkins pipeline and have not been successful with the same. I can't find proper documentation for the Xunit Plugin and all the various required parameters for the same.
I got the following links but they don't help much https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/xunit-and-pipeline https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/xUnit+Plugin
Does anyone know how to use the Xunit Plugin for displaying mstest, nunit3 and nunit2 results in jenkins pipeline?
Following is the code I used for MStest report parsing and got errors. I'm pretty new to pipelines in Jenkins and any help / pointers are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
Following is my pipeline code
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Copy Test Reports') {
agent {
node {
label 'test'
customWorkspace "C:\\jenkins\\workspace\\tests"
steps {
echo 'Hello world!'
bat '''copy \\\\Precheck.xml .
copy \\\\*.trx .'''
post {
always {
xunit (
thresholds: [$class: 'FailedThreshold', unstableThreshold: '1'],
tools: [$class: 'MSTest', pattern: '*.trx']
Missing required parameter: "thresholdMode" @ line 19, column 21.
xunit (
WorkflowScript: 19: Missing required parameter: "testTimeMargin" @ line 19, column 21.
xunit (
I ran into the same issue, though with GoogleTest reports. Adding the missing parameters to your xunit() call should do the trick:
xunit (
testTimeMargin: '3000',
thresholdMode: 1,
thresholds: [$class: 'FailedThreshold', unstableThreshold: '1'],
tools: [$class: 'MSTest', pattern: '*.trx']
'3000' and '1' being the defaults the xunit-plugin has set internally.