I'm wanting to get the BitLocker recovery password via powershell by providing the recovery key ID. I know this is doable via the Active Directory Users and Computers application, which is essentially what I'm trying to reproduce.
My process is currently as follows:
The problem I run into is that when using a variable in my Where-Object clause, I get no results. If I hard code in the recovery key ID, it works just fine.
Here's the code I have so far:
$key = (read-host -Prompt "Enter starting portion of recovery key ID (8 Digits)").ToUpper()
$recoveryInformation = Get-ADObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"' | Where-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -like "*$key*"}
echo $recoveryInformation
I've tried doing this a couple of different ways and they all ended with the same result where a hard coded value would work and a variable would not. This leads me to believe it is something with the way I am getting the user input, but I've hit a wall. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
End Result
In the end, the problem with my code is that I was using where-object instead of where. Once I made that change, everything worked as I had intended it.
The examples provided by postanote give a much better output and are definitely more robust. The last example is the best one to give the end result I was looking for.
Why not just use the built-in PowerShell cmdlet specifically designed to get this information?
Here are a few things to directly use or tweak for your use case. See example #5.
Get BitLocker Recovery Information from AD Using PowerShell
# Example Commands
# 1. Get BitLocker recovery information for a single computer:
Get-BitLockerRecovery computer1
# 2. Get BitLocker recovery information for a list of computers:
Get-BitLockerRecovery "computer1","computer2"
# or
"computer1","computer2" | Get-BitLockerRecovery
# 3. Get BitLocker recovery information for computers in an OU:
Get-ADComputer -Filter { name -like "*" } `
-SearchBase "OU=Sales,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" |
# 4. Get the BitLocker recovery information for a specific password ID:
Get-BitLockerRecovery -PasswordID B1FED823
# 5. Get BitLocker recovery information for all msFVE-RecoveryInformation objects in the current domain:
$filter = "(objectClass=msFVE-RecoveryInformation)"
Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter $filter | ForEach-Object {
Get-ADPathname (Get-ADPathname $_.DistinguishedName `
-Format X500Parent) -Format Leaf -ValuesOnly |
Or in testing your variable approach not using a key string passed in by a user ...
# First ask for a computername
$usrInput = Read-Host "Type in name of computer you want to retrieve the BitLocker recovery information"
# Get the computer object from Active Directory
$objComputer = Get-ADComputer $usrInput
# Find the AD object which match the computername and is of the class "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"
$objADObject = get-adobject -Filter * | Where-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -match $objComputer.Name -and $_.ObjectClass -eq "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"}
# Filter the result so you'll get only the recovery key
Or this approach ...
$computers = get-adobject -Filter * | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"}
$key = (read-host -Prompt "Enter starting portion of recovery key ID").ToUpper()
$records = $computers | where {$_.DistinguishedName -like "*$key*"}
foreach ($rec in $records) {
$computer = get-adcomputer -identity ($records.DistinguishedName.Split(",")[1]).split("=")[1]
$recoveryPass = Get-ADObject -Filter {objectclass -eq 'msFVE-RecoveryInformation'} -SearchBase $computer.DistinguishedName -Properties 'msFVE-RecoveryPassword'
Computer = $computer
'Recovery Key ID' = $rec.Name.Split("{")[1].split("}")[0]
'Recovery Password' = $recoveryPass.'msFVE-RecoveryPassword'
} | Format-List