
Access Denied for view and download routes in SonataMediaBundle and Symfony 4

I use Symfony 4 (more precise 4.1) with SonataAdminBundle and SonataMediaBundle.

This is my config/routes/sonata_media.yaml:

    resource: '@SonataMediaBundle/Resources/config/routing/gallery.xml'
    prefix: /media/gallery

    resource: '@SonataMediaBundle/Resources/config/routing/media.xml'
    prefix: /media

If I run php bin/console debug:router there are the following routes in the output:

sonata_media_gallery_index    ANY    ANY    ANY    /media/gallery/
sonata_media_gallery_view     ANY    ANY    ANY    /media/gallery/view/{id}
sonata_media_view             ANY    ANY    ANY    /media/view/{id}/{format}
sonata_media_download         ANY    ANY    ANY    /media/download/{id}/{format}

The first two routes work fine, but when I try the other two routes, for example:


then I always get AccessDeniedException, even though I'm authenticated as ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN.

The error happens in vendor/sonata-project/media-bundle/src/Controller/MediaController.php in downloadAction and in viewAction. I was digging around in the source code, but can't find the reason for the exception thrown.


  • After some research I found the culprit and solved the problem. Here I'd like to share my knowledge.

    As I mentioned in the question, the exceptions were thrown from:


    in the methods downloadAction and viewAction. It was the following if-condition:

    if (!$this->get('')->getDownloadSecurity($media)->isGranted($media, $this->getCurrentRequest())) {
        throw new AccessDeniedException();

    which is present in both methods. This led me to vendor/sonata-project/media-bundle/src/Provider/Pool.php, and further to vendor/sonata-project/media-bundle/src/Security/RolesDownloadStrategy.php. I couldn't find any bug or problem there, but it opened my eyes to another position in my own configuration:

        - { path: ^/admin/, role: [ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN] }
        - { path: ^/.*, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }

    How could I be so stupid? The path /media is not declared in security.yml and can be accessed by not authenticated users. The SonataMediaBundle requires per default ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN for downloading/viewing the media.

    The routes for the Gallery were accessible because vendor/sonata-project/media-bundle/src/Controller/GalleryController.php doesn't check if access is granted.

    After finding the culprit the question was which approach to chose to solve the problem

    1) Change the route prefix:

        resource: '@SonataMediaBundle/Resources/config/routing/media.xml'
        prefix: /admin/media

    The declared path in security.yml covers now the media and ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN can access the routes.

    Disadvantage: what if you want to expose the media outside of the admin? And what if other roles should be able to access them.

    2) Declare a new path in security.yml:

        - { path: ^/media/, role: [ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN] }

    Now we can expose the media outside of the admin. But the other issue is still there: what if other roles need to access the media?

    3) Configure another download strategy in the config for SonataMedia:

        # ...
            default:  # the default context is mandatory
                    mode: http
        # ...

    and adjust the path:

        # ...
        # ...

    Now every logged in user can access the media. This solution worked for me.

    However it is not a one-size-fits-all recipe. Please check the chapter security from the official documentation to get more detailed information.