I'm trying to create a system in which I can validate a string to check if it's a url or not. (https://www.google.com/)
I found the flutter package validator but this isn't dart 2 compatible, so won't be compatible with my code.
Similarly named, I also found the validators package but I can't seem to get it working correctly with my code, as it throws the following error; (hope you like my project name ;)
Because every version of flutter_test from sdk depends on test 1.3.0
and every version of validators depends on test ^1.3.3, flutter_test from sdk is incompatible with validators.
So, because gucci depends on both validators ^1.0.0+1 and flutter_test any from sdk, version solving failed.
Unable to reload your application because "flutter packages get" failed to update package dependencies.
Exception: pub get failed (1)
If you could either find a fix for validators
so that it doesn't throw this error and thus works correctly with my code, or suggest another method of validating a string to be URL compliant that would be great.
Edit - My pubspec.yaml
name: gucci
description: A new Flutter project.
sdk: flutter
validate: ^1.7.0
sdk: flutter
- family: PlayfairDisplay
- asset: fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic.ttf
- family: Kanit
- asset: fonts/Kanit-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf
- family: Poppins
- asset: fonts/Poppins-BoldItalic.ttf
- family: PoppinsLightItalic
- asset: fonts/Poppins-LightItalic.ttf
- family: PoppinsMediumItalic
- asset: fonts/Poppins-MediumItalic.ttf
For some reason, the validators
package is requiring a pretty recent version of flutter's testing library rather than leaving it up to the application. Maybe there's a good reason for that (i.e. they're using a new feature).
The flutter engine internally requires a particular version of the flutter_test library (which is why it's generally a bad idea to specify a version of it). So to fix this you'll have to upgrade your flutter by running flutter upgrade
. If you're already at the most recent version of the channel you're in, you may have to run flutter channel dev
or flutter channel master
to switch to a channel (branch really) that's updated more often.
I run on the dev
branch/channel for the most part and while it very occasionally has problems, it doesn't happen a lot. I'd advise against using the master branch if possible though.