What's the best way to customize the tooltip on a primefaces jqplot bar chart to show the percentage value, not the actual value. I.e. if there were 3 bars, with values 10, 20, 20 I want the tool tip to show 20% 40% 40%.
I am using a js extender, and I'm getting the value (not percentage out) using:
enter this.cfg.highlighter = {
tooltipContentEditor: function (str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
return plot.data[seriesIndex][pointIndex];
show: true
Is it possible iterate the points, calculate the total, then work out the percent (and format this string)?
I've also though that I could calculate in the Java layer - and add as an invisible series, and get it via the series index?
Thanks in advance
Just iterate over plot.data[seriesIndex]
, count, devide, multiply
var series = plot.data[seriesIndex];
var total = 0;
series.forEach(function(entry) {
total = total + entry;
var percent = Math.round((plot.data[seriesIndex][pointIndex] / total)*100)+"%";
return percent;