I need to build a histogram, concerning DOMContentLoaded of a webpage. When I used BigQuery, I noticed that apart from density, there are 2 more attributes (start, end). In my head there should only be 1 attribute, the DOMContentLoaded event is only fired when the DOM has loaded.
Can anyone help clarify the difference of .start and .stop? These attributes always have 100 milliseconds difference between them (if start = X ms, then stop = X+100 ms. See a query example posted below.
I can not understand what these attributes represent exactly:
Q: Which one of them represents the time that the DOMContentLoaded event is fired in a user's browser?
bin.START AS start,
bin.END AS endd
UNNEST(dom_content_loaded.histogram.bin) AS bin
origin = 'https://www.google.com'
Row |start | end
1 0 100
2 100 200
3 200 300
4 300 400
Below explains meaning of bin.start, bin.end and bin.density
Run below SELECT statement
effective_connection_type.name type_name,
form_factor.name factor_name,
bin.start AS bin_start,
bin.end AS bin_end,
bin.density AS bin_density
FROM `chrome-ux-report.all.201809`,
UNNEST(dom_content_loaded.histogram.bin) AS bin
WHERE origin = 'https://www.google.com'
You will get 1550 rows in result
below are first 5 rows
Row origin type_name factor_name bin_start bin_end bin_density
1 https://www.google.com 4G phone 0 100 0.01065
2 https://www.google.com 4G phone 100 200 0.01065
3 https://www.google.com 4G phone 200 300 0.02705
4 https://www.google.com 4G phone 300 400 0.02705
5 https://www.google.com 4G phone 400 500 0.0225
You can read them as: for phone with 4G load of dom_content was loaded within 100 milliseconds for 1.065% of loads; in between 100 and 200 milliseconds for 1.065%; in between 200 and 300 milliseconds for 2.705% and so on
To summarize for each origin, type and factor you got histogram that is represented as a repeated record with start and end of each bin along with density which represents percentage of respective user experience
Note: if you add up the dom_content_loaded densities across all dimensions for a single origin, you will get 1 (or a value very close to 1 due to approximations).
For example
SELECT SUM(bin.density) AS total_density
FROM `chrome-ux-report.all.201809`,
UNNEST(dom_content_loaded.histogram.bin) AS bin
WHERE origin = 'https://www.google.com'
Row total_density
1 0.9995999999999978
Hope this helped