I got this error from AWS IoT Analytics service after message is Transform in lambda: my lambda get as input a json format string
"id": "223",
"data": "valid-timestamp,1,2,3,4,5"
The data key holds my IoT data values on a specific timespan
The lambda parse the above input and return array of dict:
"id": "1",
"timestamp": "valid-timestamp1",
"value-1": "1",
"value-2": "2",
"value-3": "3"
"id": "1",
"timestamp": "valid-timestamp1",
"value-1": "1",
"value-2": "2",
"value-3": "3"
I did not succeeded to create a my_data_store I would be happy if someone can assist. Thanks
IoT Analytics doesn't support hyphens '-' in attribute names. If you want to use a separator, try using an underscore instead '_' and that should resolve your problem.