I have CSS source maps enabled, but Google Chrome is behaving like they are disabled. In all the resources I've looked at, all I should need to do is enable source maps in DevTools preferences. It is clearly enabled there:
The source maps reside alongside my CCS files, like so:
In DevTools > Elements > Styles, there are only CSS files, no SCSS or SASS:
Here is my grunt-contrib-sass config in Gruntfile.js:
sass: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: './src/',
src: ['**/*.css', '**/*.scss', '**/*.sass'],
dest: './dist',
ext: '.css',
sourcemap: 'auto',
options: {
This site is served via grunt serve
on OSX, and source maps are generated by grunt-contrib-sass.
What's really weird, is I'm 99% sure I saw it working correctly once, right after I first set it up. I didn't change anything after that...
What's the next step in trying to debug this? Should I be able to see if Chrome is making a (failed?) request to the .map
files? Am I missing something?
UPDATE: I think I've determined that the maps are not being loaded because the sourceMappingURL is not present in the compiled CSS. I have opened up a new issue for that.
It turns out that auto-prefixer was running on the compiled CSS and stripping out the sourceMapURL comment, which now makes sense that it would do that, because unless you have auto-prefixer source maps turned on (which I did not), it would make the source maps untrue. A cool thing I learned form this, is that auto-prefixer is apparently able to use Sass source maps to make it's own, and keep everything true to the Sass files.
I actually wish there was a warning whenever auto-prefixer finds source maps, but doesn't have source maps enabled itself, because it's obvious that tasks shouldn't generate sourcemaps that wont be used.
I would have been more likely get an answer sooner if I would have posted my whole Gruntfile, but it's a lot of stuff, and I was trying scale back to code I thought was relevant. Darn.