asp.netvb.netparametersitemdatabound System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs question

I'm really new to so please forgive me if this seems like a really basic question. I have an page that contains a repeater. Here's the code:

<div class="formRow">
    <asp:Repeater ID="uxStudentFormActive" runat="server">
            <span style="font-weight:bold;" ><asp:Literal ID="uxFormName" runat="server" Text="#" /></span><br />
            <asp:TreeView ID="uxFormHistoryList" runat="server" Target="_blank" />              

Here's the sub in my page that handles uxStudentFormActive.ItemDataBound:

Protected Sub uxStudentFormActive_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles uxStudentFormActive.ItemDataBound

    Dim dr As DataRowView = CType(e.Item.DataItem(), DataRowView)

    If Convert.ToInt32(dr("FormId")) = 29 Then
    End If

End Sub

I'm not exactly sure how the aspx page interacts with the page. My question is how do I find out how where the values for e that are being passed to the sub uxStudentFormActive_ItemDataBound in my page are coming from? Thanks in advance.


  • Thanks to @Jack for giving me more insight into this. I'm sorry if my OP wasn't more clear, I did understand that the values were coming from the .aspx page, what I was actually asking is where the values that are being passed as e into my sub are being set, how e is being populated with data. The answer came from looking at the repeater id for the repeater I'm asking about, uxStudentFormActive. When I searched for this repeater id my code behind I found that the data source for the it was defined and bound in the Page_Load sub. Tracking this down lead me to a stored procedure in my database that is being passed session data and e is being set to the results of the stored procedure.