I am building a UI with the reference of Jquery Mobile but stuck in a idea how to remove a dynamically added collapsible in the example given in Jquery Mobile Demos.
I have generated an example for the same. JSBIN
JS Used:
console.log("DOM Load");
$( document ).on( "pagecreate", function() {
var nextId = 1;
$("#add").click(function() {
var content = "";
content += "<div data-role='collapsible' id='set" + nextId + "'>";
content += "<h3>Section " + nextId + "</h3>";
content += "<p>I am the collapsible content in a set so this feels like an accordion. I am hidden by default because I have the 'collapsed' state; you need to expand the header to see me.</p>";
content += "<button id='removeStyle" + nextId + "' class='removeStyleBtn ui-btn ui-btn-b ui-shadow ui-corner-all ui-mini'>Remove</button></div>";
$( "#set" ).append( content ).collapsibleset( "refresh" );
//$("#set" + nextId+ " :button").button().button('refresh');
$("#set" + nextId).collapsible( "expand" );
console.log("collapsible set " + nextId + " added !!!");
console.log("pagecreate triggered !!!");
$(".removeStyleBtn").click(function() {
console.log("Removed Element !!!!!");
need to be unique per element so remove button id
(not needed in your case)
And then do:-
$(document).on("click",".removeStyleBtn",function() {
Put this code outside of $(document).ready(){..});