I am trying to run through each columns of my dataframe and convert "unknown" values to NAs. I tried the following code:
for (i in seq(length(df))) {
for (j in seq(nrow(df))) {
ifelse(df[,i][j] == "unknown", NA, df[,i][j])
It, however, has not changed any values. The columns I am trying to alter are factors so I also tried:
for (i in seq(length(df))) {
x <- class(df[,i])
for (j in seq(nrow(df))) {
ifelse(df[,i][j] == "unknown", NA, df[,i][j])
class(df[,i]) <- x
to no avail. There is no error obtained and the code appears to run without problem; only the values remain as "unknown.
We can try:
df[df == "unknown"] = NA
This assumes that all your columns are character and not factor.