
a nice pystan trace plot for a stan vector parameter

I am doing a multiple regression in Stan.

I want a trace plot of the beta vector parameter for the regressors/design matrix.

When I do the following:

fit = model.sampling(data=data, iter=2000, chains=4)
fig = fit.plot('beta')

I get a pretty horrid image:

horrid trace plot for vector parameter

I was after something a little more user friendly. I have managed to hack the following which is closer to what I am after.

Nicer tracer plot for vector parameter

My hack plugs into the back of pystan as follows.

r = fit.extract() # r for results
from pystan.external.pymc import plots
param = 'beta'
beta = r[param] 
name = df.columns.values.tolist()
(rows, cols) = beta.shape
assert(len(df.columns) == cols)
values = {param+'['+str(k+1)+'] '+name[k]: 
    beta[:,k] for k in range(cols)}
fig = plots.traceplot(values, values.keys())
for a in fig.axes:
    # shorten the y-labels
    l = a.get_ylabel()
    if l == 'frequency': 
    if l=='sample value': 
fig.set_size_inches(8, 12)
fig.savefig(g_dir+param+'-trace.png', dpi=125)

My question - surely I have missed something - but is there an easier way to get the kind of output I am after from pystan for a vector parameter?


  • Discovered that the ArviZ module does this pretty well.

    ArviZ can be found here: