i have some script using to sending Ethers from address to addres. Im using Parity, and Python 3.6. It is using Flask looks like:
from flask import Flask, render_template, json, request
import urllib
import requests
import binascii
from decimal import *
app = Flask(__name__)
def Eth(method,params=[]):
data = {"method":method,"params":params,"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
r = requests.post(ethrpc, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
r = r.text
response = json.loads(r)
hot = str("XXXXXXX")
def index():
ethnumbers = int(10)**int(18)
hot = str("XXXXX")
balance = Eth("eth_getBalance",[hot,'latest'])
balance = balance["result"]
balance = int(balance, 16)
balance = float(balance)
balance = balance / ethnumbers
balance = str(balance)
return render_template('index.html',hot = hot,balance=balance)
def send():
getcontext().prec = 28
ethnumbers = Decimal(10)**Decimal(18)
if request.method == "POST":
_myaddress = request.form['_myaddress']
_youraddress = request.form['_youraddress']
_amount = request.form['_amount']
_gas = request.form['_gas']
_gas = hex(int(_gas))
passy = str("XXXXXXXXX")
getcontext().prec = 28
_amount = Decimal(_amount)
getcontext().prec = 28
_amount = _amount * ethnumbers
getcontext().prec = 28
_amount = int(_amount)
_amount = hex(_amount)
r = [{'from':_myaddress,"to":_youraddress,"value":_amount,"gas":_gas,},str("XXXXXXXXXX!")]
resultio = Eth("personal_sendTransaction",r)
return render_template('sent.html',resultio=resultio["result"])
except: KeyError
return render_template('sent.html',resultio=resultio["error"]["message"])
return render_template('index.html')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Im pretty sure, that i have to use "data" to do this, but i have no idea how to send via this script ERC20 tokens. Structure of tokens transaction looks like "my address -> token address -> token receiver".
Any ideas?
Guys it was simpler than it looks like. You just have to put:
contract address
as receiver and make a long "data" field, it represents string as:
// method name, its constans in erc20
//receiver address (you have to do it without "0x" because its needed only when
//you have to tell "im using hexadecimal". You did it above, in method field.
//so, receiver address:
// and fill it with zeros, it have to be lenght 64. So fill rest of address
// then you need amount, please convert it to hexadecimal, delete "0x" and
// remember, you need to integer first, so if token has 18 "decimals" it need
// to be amount / 10**18 first!!
//1e27786570c272000 and fill that with zeros, like above:
//just add string, to string, to string, and you have data field:
Sample transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x9c27df8af24e06edb819a8d7a380f548fad637de5edddd6155d15087d1619964