I am making a collection view that shows somebody their 'feed' which includes their compliments, likes, replies, and sent. I have an object named Feed which is made of an array of compliments, an array of likes, and array of replies, and an array of sent. Every object within those smaller arrays has a date_created property.
I know how to fill a collection view based off of one array sorted by dates, but how can I load a collection view with every like, reply, compliment, and sent from four arrays based on their date sent?
Do I perhaps append every one of these objects to one array? If so, how can I then go through that array and sort everything in it?
struct Feed: Decodable {
let likes: [Like]
let replies: [Reply]
let compliments: [Compliment]
let sent: [Compliment]
struct Like: Decodable {
let id: Int
let user: QuickUser
let created_at: String
struct Reply: Decodable {
let parent: Compliment
let content: String
let created_at: String
struct Compliment: Decodable {
let id: Int
let content: String
let sender: QuickUser
let created_at: String
let is_liked: Bool
let recipient: QuickUser
let is_public: Bool
func getFeed() {
UserServices.getInboxFeed { feed in
guard let feed = feed else {
self.showOkayAlert(title: "Oops!", message: "We are having trouble loading your inbox.", completion: nil)
self.feed = feed
DispatchQueue.main.async {
//load collection view here
Well, to solve this i have made a dummy protocol that contains the shared properties they all share.
in this case it was created_at
and i assume this should be in date format.
however the next step was to make an extension of Feed
that contains a function
that returns the latest object that confirm to the dummy protocol
that i called, it LatestAction
it basically sort each array by date
and return the first item.
in our case the latest date
after that creates a [LatestAction]
sort it again the same way and return the first item which is the LatestAction
Observe the code below.
struct QuickUser: Codable {
struct Feed: Decodable {
let likes: [Like]
let replies: [Reply]
let compliments: [Compliment]
let sent: [Compliment]
extension Feed {
func latestAction() -> LatestAction {
let latestLike = self.likes.sorted(by: { $0.created_at.compare($1.created_at) == .orderedDescending }).first!
let latestReply = self.replies.sorted(by: { $0.created_at.compare($1.created_at) == .orderedDescending }).first!
let latestComp = self.compliments.sorted(by: { $0.created_at.compare($1.created_at) == .orderedDescending }).first!
let latestActions: [LatestAction] = [latestReply, latestLike, latestComp].sorted(by: { $0.created_at.compare($1.created_at) == .orderedDescending })
return latestActions.first!
protocol LatestAction {
var created_at: Date { get }
struct Like: Decodable, LatestAction {
let id: Int
let user: QuickUser
let created_at: Date
struct Reply: Decodable, LatestAction {
let parent: Compliment
let content: String
let created_at: Date
struct Compliment: Decodable, LatestAction {
let id: Int
let content: String
let sender: QuickUser
let created_at: Date
let is_liked: Bool
let recipient: QuickUser
let is_public: Bool
// Simply used like this
var latest = feed.latestAction()
We are not done yet if you checked the latest
type it would say LatestAction
and only can access the one property in there which is created_at
now the for the last part we are going to TypeCast the Object
if let latest = feed.latestAction() as? Like {
// used as Like
} else if let latest = feed.latestAction() as? Compliment {
// used as Compliment
} else if let latest = feed.latestAction() as? Reply {
// used as reply