I am working on migrating one of the application to kubernetes. I want to discard the result if the health check returns http(100-199).
Similar to one which we have in marathon
IgnoreHttp1xx (Optional. Default: false): Ignore HTTP informational status codes 100 to 199. If the HTTP health check returns one of these, the result is discarded and the health status of the task remains unchanged.
How can i achieve this in kubernetes? Does it accept if i pass like this?
path: /v1/health
port: 9102
scheme: HTTP
- name: ignoreHttp1xx
value: false
Unfortunately i have no way to test this in our environment. Does it ignore such requests? If not what is the alternative i can use for this.
Any code greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400 indicates success. Any other code indicates failure. You can see the source code for the server in server.go.
Maybe you can change your healthcheck to return something between 200-300 when it is going to return 100-199 , kind of overwirte.