
how to manipulate apk variant versioncode

The versionCode for the android apk gets set in defaultConfig. I would like to change for each of my build types but it seems like this can only be done by flavours? Is there another way to override the versionCode, maybe similar to the way the outputFileName is updated?


  • I think your case fit perfectly with product flavors.

    You set a flavor for prod and a flavor for stage. In both set version code as your expression (e.g. 300 + android.defaultConfig.versionCode for prod, and 200 + android.defaultConfig.versionCode for release)

    See the doc for detailed examples:

    Then, when you want to run or deploy a version you choose between the 4 combinations in Build Variants that will be: prodRelease, prodDebug, stageRelease and stageDebug