I am using
.map(ev => Object.assign({}, ev, {type: 'keydown'}))
but the resulting stream gives objects with just the "isTrusted" property (and not "key", "code", etc.). Instead, with 'mousemove' I get events as expected (with "isTrusted" but also "movementX", "movementY", etc.). What is wrong?
You're right, not a Cycle.js problem but rather a limitation of Object.assign
Simply put—Object.assign
does not copy inherited properties.
This answer on a similar problem provided a working alternative:
function main (sources) {
const vdom$ = sources.DOM.select('document').events('keydown')
.map(ev => cloneEvent(ev))
.map(mykey => div('Key pressed: ' + mykey.key + ', code:' + mykey.code))
.startWith(div('Press a key.'))
return {
DOM: vdom$
function cloneEvent(e) {
if (e===undefined || e===null) return undefined;
function ClonedEvent() {};
let clone=new ClonedEvent();
for (let p in e) {
let d=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, p);
if (d && (d.get || d.set)) Object.defineProperty(clone, p, d); else clone[p] = e[p];
Object.setPrototypeOf(clone, e);
return clone;
See updated codepen.io example.
These SO questions and answers also helped clarify the situation: