
How to make conditional formatting work with jxls

I have created an Excel template for jxls 2.x. There is one cell I have applied conditional formatting. However the conditional formatting only works in exactly the same cell I have created, and it is not duplicated to the following rows. Any idea?


  • There is a bug related to this, as well as a feature enhancement request.

    Both are currently unsolved by the developers.

    You can check the bug here

    The original related issue (feature enhancement) here

    Both reports I've linked contain examples and links to them. Read the discussion there, however brief they may be.

    Issues are #89 and #110 on the bitbucket report page.

    In case you want conditional formatting to be applied to all values in column A you can set it as a conditional formatting for column A in xls template.

    You should edit your question and provide examples (template/file) and/or code. We need to see what you're actually doing - it's a bit badly phrased at the moment.