When feeding the QCPFinancial
chart from QCustomPlot (http://www.qcustomplot.com) with data which has gaps (weekends, nights without trading) then these gaps are visible along the x-axis in the chart as well.
Is there a way to tell QCPFinancial
to ignore missing x-values so that for instance price on Monday is directly plottet after price from Friday?
According to QCustomPlot forums (https://www.qcustomplot.com/index.php/support/forum/670), currently there's no any built-in functionality for this.
General workaround seems to be something like this:
Substitue "key" values with actual continuous data (one may use just plain integer indexes 0..N).
[Optional] Save a "mapping" to and from original key values.
[Optional] Subclass QCPAxisTickerDateTime (or general QCPAxisTicker) and implement custom method for creating tick labels, using previously mapped keys.