I am installing Openshift Origin All-in-One Server using below links
after download when I did:
tar -xf openshift-origin-server-v3.10.0-rc.0-c20e215-linux-64bit.tar.gz -C /opt/redhat
It throws following output but directory got untar in desired directory
I just encountered the same.
Based on http://lifeonubuntu.com/tar-errors-ignoring-unknown-extended-header-keyword/
"It turns out this is just an issue with tar files created on Mac OS X. Mac OS X uses BSD tar and creates some extra info that is not recognized by GNU tar."
It should extract just fine, so no need to worry about it.
NOTE: The following is bad advice unless you perform other checks to make sure the file is fine. This will hide legitimate errors encountered while trying to extract.
If you'd prefer to not see those error lines you could just redirect the errors to /dev/null
like this:
tar -xf openshift-origin-server-v3.10.0-rc.0-c20e215-linux-64bit.tar.gz -C /opt/redhat 2> /dev/null