
Android Wifi direct multiple connection ad-hoc

I try to create an ad-hoc network between many Android devices, but I can't find documentation to do that.

I thought Wifi direct could work for what I want, but is it possible to have multiple connection on one device ? I saw that we could do a device acting like an access point and communicate with many devices, but can we communicate from one client device to two access point devices ?

I have for example 3 devices: A -> B -> C

The "A" device need to communicate with "C" device but he's too far away, so I want to have ad-hoc wifi direct connection between A&B and ad-hoc wifi direct connection between B&C, so A can communicate with C. It should also work with more than 3 devices.

Thanks !


  • Android does not have support for ad-hoc WiFi at this time -- sorry!

    Update (2019): Android has supported WiFi Direct for a while, and this answer has not been updated.

    Your scenario would work. A would be able to connect with C as long as B (the group owner) is within range of both A and C.

    See Android's developer documentation for more info: