
VSCode throws errors for all mso properties...?

I'm writing an html email based on a template I didn't create. It has a lot of mso css tags like this: mso-hide: all;

I understand what these tags are for, but they make VSCode throw errors like this:

[css.lint.unknownProperties] Unknown property: 'mso-table-rspace' [unknownProperties](252, 13)

It's driving me up a wall. I tried installing some CSS extensions in hopes to eliminate the errors, but haven't found one that helps yet.

How can I make these mso properties go from Unknown to "known" in VSCode?


  • You can customise the VSCode linting settings and ignore warnings on vendor prefixes, more information here:


    I haven't tried it myself, but it looks promising and an easy one to try before digging in any deeper.