I am using an API to get the data and it returns data in the array of arrays. Now I want to get the data I need and move into a new array.
$shipments = Array
[0] => Array
[AmazonOrderId] => 12321313
[SellerOrderId] =>
[MarketplaceName] => Amazon.com
[PostedDate] => 2018-10-01T14:21:46Z
[ShipmentItemList] => Array
[0] => Array
[SellerSKU] => 12-12321-1231
[OrderItemId] => 1212313
[QuantityShipped] => 1
[ItemChargeList] => Array
[0] => Array
[ChargeType] => Principal
[Amount] => 6.95
[CurrencyCode] => USD
[1] => Array
[ChargeType] => Principal
[Amount] => 6.95
[CurrencyCode] => USD
I want to fetch the amount from the innermost array. But I am not able to iterate through all the nested array and can't find the solution. I can get the value what I want through this code. but its getting 1, I need dynamic data.
function myfunction($products, $field, $value)
foreach($products as $key => $product)
if ( $product[$field] === $value )
return $key;
return false;
Also I tried to loop through all arrays but its looking so messy.
foreach($shipment as $shiptmentList){
foreach($shiptmentList as $key => $shiporder){
foreach($shiporder as $key => $itemcharge){
foreach($itemcharge as $key=> $eachcharge){
Please tell me what is the right way to iterate through the items and get the Amounts I needed. Thanks
If the structure of the data is consistent you can use something like this:
foreach($shipments as $shipment)
foreach($shipment["ShipmentItemList"] as $itemList)
foreach($itemList["ItemChargeList"] as $chargedItem) {
echo $chargedItem["Amount"];
echo print_r($chargedItem);