
AndroidX Jetifier Mockito java.lang.SecurityException: SHA-256 digest error for com/samsung/android/sdk/accessory/SAAgentV2.class

I am migrating my app to use AndroidX. I have enabled Jetifier in my file


I use mockito in some tests. After migration a few tests fail where mockito is not able to mock classes which use Samsung accessory sdks version 2.6.1 .

Part of exception log is as under

Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: SHA-256 digest error for com/samsung/android/sdk/accessory/SAAgentV2.class at at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.processEntry( at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.update( at java.util.jar.JarVerifier$ at sun.misc.Resource.getBytes( at

I believe this happens due to a signed jar being edited by jetifier. What can be done to overcome this issue?


  • Couldn't find any answer for last 3 days, so I just removed META-INF from the samsung accessory jar.

    jar xvf accessory-2.6.1..jar
    rm -rf META-INF
    jar cvf accessory-2.6.1-updated..jar *

    Now will need to check if the accessory apis are working or not.