ok so this is a short peace in a big workbook... All i am trying to do is tell it a certain place to save.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs _
FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path "\OLD " & Range("D1").Value & ".XLSM"
This does exactly as it is supposed to however, i want to say basically "activeworkbook.path" plus give it one further step and designate a folder called "old" that it will go to.
in essence it would look like this
to this
any hints?
You have a space in "\OLD "
, and you are not closing off \OLD
to be a folder.
The line should look like
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs _
FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\OLD\" & Range("D1").Value & ".XLSM"
I would also strongly consider qualifying your Range("D1")
with your worksheet.
Dim fileNameRng as range
Set fileNameRng = thisworkbook.worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D1")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs _
FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\OLD\" & fileNameRng.Value & ".XLSM"