
How to group List of Lists using a certain criteria in Java 8

I have a data structure like below. I'm trying to group the objects in such a way like Map<String, List<String>> where key is the entryId and value is the List of groups it belongs to. entryId is always unique inside a group.

Example: entryId "1111" belongs to group1,group2,group3. I'm using the old java 7 way to iterate through the lists and checking. Is there any best possible way using Java8 Collectors/grouping to achieve this.

List<Group> where each Group object will have a list of Entry objects.


So the expected out put is this :


I'm using below way currently. which is working as expected, but is there a much simpler way in Java 8 I can achieve this.

    public Map<String, List<String>> mapEntries(List<Group> groups) {
    Map<String, List<String>> entryMaps = new HashMap<>();
    for (Group group : groups) {
        for (Entry entry : group.getEntries()) {
            List<String> groupsEntryBelongs = new ArrayList<>();
            if (groups.iterator().hasNext() && !entryMaps.keySet().contains(entry.getEntryId())) {
                updateGroups(groups, entry.getEntryId(), groupsEntryBelongs, entryMaps);
    return entryMaps;

    void updateGroups(List<Group> groups, String id, List<String> groupsEntryBelongs, Map<String, List<String>> entryMaps) {
        for (Group group : groups) {
            for (Entry entry : group.getEntries()) {
                if (entry.getEntryId().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
        entryMaps.put(id, groupsEntryBelongs);


  • You can do it as follows:

    Map<String, Set<String>> entryMaps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    groups.forEach(group -> 
        group.getEntries().forEach(entry -> 
                        k -> new LinkedHashSet<>())

    This iterates the groups, then each group's entries and uses Map.computeIfAbsent to put an entry with a new, empty LinkedHashSet if the key wasn't present, returning either this empty set or the one matching that key. Then, the group id is added to this returned set.

    Note: I'm using a Set instead of a List for values, to avoid possible duplicates. And LinkedHashMap and LinkedhashSet guarantee insertion-order.