
Axios - DELETE Request With Request Body and Headers?

I'm using Axios while programming in ReactJS and I pretend to send a DELETE request to my server.

To do so I need the headers:

headers: {
  'Authorization': ...

and the body is composed of

var payload = {
    "username": ..

I've been searching in the inter webs and only found that the DELETE method requires a "param" and accepts no "data".

I've been trying to send it like so:

axios.delete(URL, payload, header);

or even

axios.delete(URL, {params: payload}, header);

But nothing seems to work...

Can someone tell me if it's possible (I presume it is) to send a DELETE request with both headers and body and how to do so?


  • Here is a brief summary of the formats required to send various http verbs with axios:

    Key take aways