I am trying to create a custom JSF 2 component in order to avoid typing the converter and message tags for my date fields. I've done this with Icefaces 1.x using templates. With JSF 2, though, I was forced to use composite components; that is not going as well as I hoped.
The composite component has been successfully created:
<composite:attribute name="style" />
<composite:attribute name="partialSubmit" />
<composite:attribute name="rendered" />
<composite:attribute name="immediate" />
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true" />
<composite:attribute name="pattern" required="true" />
<ice:panelGroup rendered="#{cc.attrs.rendered}">
<ice:selectInputDate value="#{cc.attrs.value}"
style="#{cc.attrs.style}" id="input" renderAsPopup="true"
partialSubmit="#{cc.attrs.partialSubmit }"
immediate="#{cc.attrs.immediate }">
<ice:message for="input" style="color: red; display: block"></ice:message>
When the property is null, the component behaves as expected. However, when I load data from my database, I get a java.sql.Date instance (despite the fact that my object uses java.util.date - the former extends the latter), I get this exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert 03/03/11 20:00 of type class java.util.Date to class java.sql.Date
What is weird is that if I use an ice:selectInputDate
outside my composite component, I don't get that error. Any ideas?
Alright, this might seem a little too extreme of a work around: rebuilding Tomcat. I figured tomcat doesn't change as often as JSF or ICEFaces. Call it a hack if you must; it solves my problem...
Download the tomcat source for the version you use and find a file named ELSupport.java. Look for the method with this signature:
public static final Object coerceToType(final Object obj,
final Class<?> type) throws ELException {
Now add the following lines to it, right above the line that throws the ELException:
if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())){
return obj;
It pretty much just prevents the exception from being thrown when the object is an instance of a sub-class from java.util.Date.
Does anyone think this is a contribution to the Tomcat project? I never really contributed with anything open source, so I don't really know how it works.