I'm trying something odd to get fun. Send stream from hdhomerun to AWS EC2 instance.
First aproach. Read stream with ffmpeg (tested locally successfully)
hdhomerun_config discover sya my device have ip so I open port on my router in this way
<my home public ip>:5005 ->
<my home public ip>:5004 ->
w3m and telnet say everything is ok.
from EC2 instance I do
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i 'http://<my home public ip>:5004/auto/v5057?transcode=internet240' -t 12 -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 '/tmp/test.wav'
In tuner1 I can see...
Virtual Channel none
Frequency 698.000 MHz
Program Number 186
Modulation Lock t8qam64
Signal Strength 89%
Signal Quality 100%
Symbol Quality 100%
Streaming Rate none
Resource Lock <EC2 public ip>
In hdhomerun system logs...
19700102-10:27:25 Tuner: tuner0 tuning 5057 Telecinco (t8qam64:698MHz-186)
19700102-10:27:25 Tuner: tuner0 streaming http to <EC2 public ip>:34124
Everything seems ok but ffmpeg don't get any data.
Seccond aproach. Send stream to wowza
I have a wowza server running in EC2 instance
From a linux box at my home I do.
root# /usr/bin/hdhomerun_config 1250D7B2 scan /tuner1 scan.log
root# /usr/bin/hdhomerun_config 1250D7B2 set /tuner1/channel auto:651000000
root# /usr/bin/hdhomerun_config 1250D7B2 get /tuner1/streaminfo
root# /usr/bin/hdhomerun_config 1250D7B2 get /tuner1/program 190
root# /usr/bin/hdhomerun_config 1250D7B2 set /tuner1/target rtp://<wowza server public ip>:1935/TEST/hdhr
root# echo $?
root# 0
Ends without error buy doesn't work This was a long shot but ....
Any ideas to do this.
Thanks !!!
Finally I use ffmpeg as encoder in this way...
/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i -vn -ar 16000 -ac 1 -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp -muxdelay 0.1 rtsp://
To daemonize I did this...
Description=XXX ffserver incoming stream
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "" -vn -ar 16000 -ac 1 -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp -muxdelay 0.1 rtsp://