My Environment:
I was studying to use MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-2s.
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <IdHashSHA.hpp> // SHA-1, SHA-2
#include <IdHashMessageDigest.hpp> // for MD5
#include "Unit1.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm1 *Form1;
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
String msg;
msg = L"Hello, world";
String hash;
// 1. MD5
TIdHashMessageDigest5 *md5;
md5 = new TIdHashMessageDigest5();
hash = md5->HashStringAsHex(msg, IndyTextEncoding(TEncoding::ASCII)).LowerCase();
Memo1->Lines->Add(L"MD5: " + hash);
delete md5;
// 2. SHA-1
TIdHashSHA1 *sha1;
sha1 = new TIdHashSHA1();
hash = sha1->HashStringAsHex(msg, IndyTextEncoding(TEncoding::ASCII)).LowerCase();
Memo1->Lines->Add(L"SHA-1:" + hash);
delete sha1;
// 3. SHA-2 (SHA-512)
TIdHashSHA512 *sha512;
sha512 = new TIdHashSHA512();
hash = sha512->HashStringAsHex(msg, IndyTextEncoding(TEncoding::ASCII)).LowerCase();
Memo1->Lines->Add(L"SHA-512:" + hash);
delete sha512;
The result is as follows.
Then, I found the following:
TidHashSHA512.isavailable is false on Windows 10
According to the suggestion, I add two files to where the .exe file exists:
Still, the SHA-512 returns NULL.
What I am missing? is a VERY old version of Indy 10. The current version is You need to upgrade.
In any case, Indy 10 has native implementations of MD5 and SHA-1, those do not rely on any external hashing library at all. But SHA-512 does. Yet, you are not telling Indy which hashing library to use, such as OpenSSL. You are not instructing Indy to load the OpenSSL DLLs so it can initialize itself to use OpenSSL's SHA-512 functionality. As such, sha512->IsAvailable
returns false, and sha512->HashStringAsHex()
returns a blank string 1.
This is clearly stated in the accepted answer to the question you linked to:
Indy provides an implementation that uses hashing functions from OpenSSL. To use it, you can either:
add the
unit to youruses
clause, and then call itsLoad()
function at runtime.add the
unit to youruses
clause, and then call itsLoadOpenSSLLibrary()
function at runtime.
In this case, since you are using C++ instead of Pascal, you need to add the corresponding #include
statement to your code instead, either #include <IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.hpp>
or #include <IdSSLOpenSSL.hpp>
, and then you can call the relevant Load
function, such as in your Form's constructor.
1: BTW, you should be using IndyTextEncoding_ASCII()
instead of IndyTextEncoding(TEncoding::ASCII)