
Should/Can you run Node-OPCUA Server running on Azure?

I deployed my OPC Server (made with Node.js node-opcua) on Azure as a WebApp and its running. I also got the opc.tcp address (eg. opc.tcp://somenumbers:4840/UA/INDUSTRIE4.0) . When I try to connect to it with UaExpert I get this error:

Discovery FindServersOnNetwork on opc.tcp://somenumbers:4840 failed (BadHostUnknown), falling back to FindServers

[uastack] OpcUa_P_ParseUrl: OpcUa_P_RawSocket_InetAddr reports error 0x81060000.

What am I doing wrong? Is TCP connection on Azure only possible in the same Network?


  • The Answer is: Only port 80 and 443 of the tcp are open on an azure web app. What you need is a virtual machine or activating VNET in the network options. This is only possible if you have a Windows Machine.