
cordova phonegap-plugin-push v1.x - how to make it work with Android 8.1 (API level 27)

We use the phonegap-plugin-push in one of our apps and it works really well - up to Android 7 (haven't tested Android 8).

However, Android 8.1 phone don't show notifications

we use

 cordova CLI 8.1.2
 cordova-android 6.4.0
 phonegap-plugin-push 1.10.7

As android platform 6.x does not support API level 27, we updated to android platform 7.1.1 - no effect

Then, we updated to phonegap-plugin-push 1.11.1 - also no effect.

I'd really be glad to hear which versions you are using and if / how you manage get push notifications also on Android 8.1 ... or any other ideas how to make this work?

Do I need to upgrade to the push plugin v2.x branch?

Thanks for any help in advance!


  • Well, when reading the documentation you understand that the support for channels which is required for Android >= 8 is only supported by the 2.x versions of the phonegap-plugin-push.

    In fact, updating wasn't that complicated. You need to:

    Also notice that by now (2.2.3) you have to check for the android platform before calling listChannels() as this there is no dummy implementation for the other platforms (yet).