Good afternoon
Unfortunately, PowerShell is not able to detect the ParameterSet by the Parameter Types, for example: If the 2nd Parameter is passed as a Int, then select ParameterSet1, otherwise use ParameterSet2.
Therefore I would like to manually detect the passed Parameter-Combinations.
Is it possible to get the list of passed parameters in DynamicParam
, something like this?:
Function Log {
Param ()
DynamicParam {
# Is is possible to access the passed Parameters?,
# something like that:
If (Args[0].ParameterName -eq 'Message') { … }
# Or like this:
If (Args[0].Value -eq '…') { … }
Thanks a lot for any help and light!
This first finding was wrong!:
"I've found the magic, by using $PSBoundParameters
we can access the passed parameters."
This is the correct but very disappointing answer:
It's very annoying and unbelievable, but it looks like PowerShell does not pass any information about the dynamically passed arguments.
The following example used the New-DynamicParameter
function as defined here:
Can I make a parameter set depend on the value of another parameter?
Function Test-DynamicParam {
Param (
DynamicParam {
# The content of $PSBoundParameters is just
# able to show the Params declared in Param():
# Key Value
# --- -----
# FixArg Hello
# Add the DynamicParameter str1:
New-DynamicParameter -Name 'DynArg' -Type 'string' -HelpMessage 'DynArg help'
# Here, the content of $PSBoundParameters has not been adjusted:
# Key Value
# --- -----
# FixArg Hello
Begin {
# Finally - but too late to dynamically react! -
# $PSBoundParameters knows all Parameters (as expected):
# Key Value
# --- -----
# FixArg Hello
# DynArg World
Process {
# Pass a fixed and dynamic parameter
Test-DynamicParam -FixArg 'Hello' -DynArg 'World'