I'm following this guide and it says to name the default messages file as messages.properties
. Why can't I name it messages_en.properties
and set the default locale to English?
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
SessionLocaleResolver slr = new SessionLocaleResolver();
return slr;
This doesn't work (have to hard stop and restart the server each time message.properties
is renamed - dynamic reload fails to pick up the changes). It will print out default
text with a tag like <spring:message code="oops" text="default"/>
because it can't find messages_en.properties
In fact, when I set my browser default language to French and have messages_fr.properties
, and restart the server, it is also failing to find the keys for French as well.
Not using Thymeleaf. No need to allow user-selectable language.
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.5.17.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/ (Only one instance of the world 'internationalization', and only regarding application properties).
I fixed it by using AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver
public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver ahlr = new AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver();
return ahlr;
I thought the guide said it will search for the locale in the session, cookie, or header, but they were only saying that different sub-classes implement those features separately.
The LocaleResolver interface has implementations that determine the current locale based on the session, cookies, the Accept-Language header, or a fixed value.
I fixed the live reload problem by setting this application property, at least for debugging:
I also set this property so as not to clutter up my src/main/resources
folder, so I could move all the message files into the locales/