
Subsonic 2.2 varchar2 maxlength problem

I have a problem with saving 4000 characters to varchar2(4000) oracle 10g column it lets me save just 2000 characters and when I try to save exceeding 2000 character

I get tihs error

Can't save: GENERAL_ NOTE exceeds the maximum length of 4000

this is subsonic column definition TableSchema.TableColumn colvarGeneralNote = new
TableSchema.TableColumn(schema); colvarGeneralNote.ColumnName = "GENERAL_NOTE"; colvarGeneralNote.DataType = DbType.String; colvarGeneralNote.MaxLength = 4000; colvarGeneralNote.AutoIncrement = false; colvarGeneralNote.IsNullable = true; colvarGeneralNote.IsPrimaryKey = false; colvarGeneralNote.IsForeignKey = false; colvarGeneralNote.IsReadOnly = false; colvarGeneralNote.DefaultSetting = @""; colvarGeneralNote.ForeignKeyTableName = ""; schema.Columns.Add(colvarGeneralNote);

I can't save a string with exceeding 2000 characters to my varchar2(4000) column

Please advise me for that issue

Thanks - Adem


  • it could mean that you are inserting multi-byte data. try changing field definition to : varchar2(4000 char)

    also what is nls_length_semantics in your db and the Characterset.