I have a checkbox with some text and I have a label underneath this checkbox. How can I align this label so it aligns with the text on the checkbox.
What I want:
[ ] insert_text
What I have:
[ ] insert_text
A possible solution is to add a padding to the left side of the QLabel of a suitable width, to calculate the width I have created a custom QCheckBox that returns the width of the indicator but to that amount you must add a couple of pixels that represent the space between the indicator and the text:
#include <QtWidgets>
class CheckBox: public QCheckBox{
using QCheckBox::QCheckBox;
int width_of_indicator(){
QStyleOptionButton opt;
return style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_CheckBoxIndicator, &opt,this).width();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QWidget w;
auto ch = new CheckBox("insert_text");
auto label = new QLabel("some_text: Stack Overflow");
label->setStyleSheet(QString("padding-left: %1px").arg(ch->width_of_indicator()+2));
auto lay = new QVBoxLayout(&w);
return a.exec();