I am trying to access the UI object in Apps Script the same way I always do, inf fact the code I am using is re-used code that I have already used before and it worked fine, for some reason I am getting an error message when I try to run my script saying that I "Cannot Call the .getUI()" method from this context, but that usually presents when using a trigger, but I am not, I am just running it from the IDE.
Does anyone know if there is an update or something that is messing with this? maybe I'm doing something wrong? If so I have pasted the code below
function addProject() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
//var listDepartment = ss.getRangeByName("ref_departments").getValues().filter(String);
// var projectSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Project Overview');
var nameResponse = ui.prompt("What is the name of this project?");
var projectName = nameResponse.getResponseText();
var roleResponse = ui.prompt("How Many Resource/Roles are required for this project?");
var roleCount = parseInt(roleResponse.getResponseText());
// var validateDepartment = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
// .requireValueInList(listDepartment)
// .build();
// var color = ss.getRangeByName("refColor").getValue();
var lastRow = projectSheet.getLastRow();
var lastCol = projectSheet.getMaxColumns();
projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1)
.copyTo(projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+2, 1, roleCount-1, 1));
projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 2, roleCount, 1).setDataValidation(validateDepartment);
projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1, roleCount,lastCol).setBackground(color);
var rowPos = lastRow + 1;
// projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 6).setFormula('=if(D'+rowPos+'="","-",if(counta(G'+rowPos+':KV'+rowPos+')<D'+rowPos+',D'+rowPos+'-counta(G'+rowPos+':KV'+rowPos+'),"Full Allocation"))')
// .copyTo(projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+2,6,roleCount-1,1));
projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+roleCount+1, 1).setValue("-");
// if( color == "#efefef")
// {
// ss.getRangeByName("refColor").setValue("#ffffff")
// }
// else ss.getRangeByName("refColor").setValue("#efefef");
/* Project Name */ variablesSheet.getRange(variablesSheetLastRow+1,1).setValue(projectName);
/* Start Cell*/ variablesSheet.getRange(variablesSheetLastRow+1,2).setValue(projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1).getA1Notation());
/*End Cell */ variablesSheet.getRange(variablesSheetLastRow+1,3).setValue( projectSheet.getRange(lastRow+1+roleCount, 1).getA1Notation());
/* Number of Jobs */ variablesSheet.getRange(variablesSheetLastRow+1,4).setValue(roleCount);
/* Date Cell */ variablesSheet.getRange(variablesSheetLastRow+1,5).setValue(projectSheet.getRange(lastRow, 7).getA1Notation());
function staffHeaders(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var utilSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Staff Utilization");
var staffNames = ss.getRangeByName("ref_staff").getValues().filter(String);
for (i = 1; i< staffNames.length ; i++)
utilSheet.getRange(1, i+1).setValue(staffNames[i]);
The Class UI can't be called from the Apps Script IDE but it could be called from a script run from a custom menu, dialog or clicking an image with a script attached to it.