
How to print two strings (large text) side by side in python?

How do I write code in Python to do this? I want to read two strings that are multiple lines and much text, mainly to compare how similar they are (qualitatively.)

    s1 = 'I want to read these texts side by side and see how similar they really are'
    s2 = 'I really want to read these here texts side by side to see how similar they are (qualitatively)'


    I want to read these texts side by side and see ho   I really want to read these here texts side by sid
    w similar they really are                            e to see how similar they are (qualitatively)     


  • Here's an approach using slicing:

    def print_side_by_side(a, b, size=30, space=4):
        while a or b:
            print(a[:size].ljust(size) + " " * space + b[:size])
            a = a[size:]
            b = b[size:]
    s1 = 'I want to read these texts side by side and see how similar they really are'
    s2 = 'I really want to read these here texts side by side to see how similar they are (qualitatively)'
    print_side_by_side(s1, s2)


    I want to read these texts sid    I really want to read these he
    e by side and see how similar     re texts side by side to see h
    they really are                   ow similar they are (qualitati

    This can be generalized to work on any number of strings:

    def side_by_side(strings, size=30, space=4):
        strings = list(strings)
        result = []
        while any(strings):
            line = []
            for i, s in enumerate(strings):
                strings[i] = s[size:]
            result.append((" " * space).join(line))
        return "\n".join(result)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        strings = "aaaaaaaa", "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb", "ccccccc"
        print(side_by_side(strings, size=5, space=1))


    aaaaa bbbbb ccccc
    aaa   bbbbb cc

    If you want to handle strings with newlines, either pre-split them in advance of calling this algorithm or try something like:

    def side_by_side(strings, size=30, space=4):
        strings = list(strings)
        result = []
        while any(strings):
            line = []
            for i, s in enumerate(strings):
                buf = s[:size]
                    n = buf.index("\n")
                    strings[i] = s[n+1:]
                except ValueError:
                    strings[i] = s[size:]
            result.append((" " * space).join(line))
        return "\n".join(result)

    Note that if you're looking for more capability than this, Python has an industrial-strength solution for general diffing called difflib.