
Use tf.gradients or tf.hessians on flattened parameter tensor

Let's say I want to compute the Hessian of a scalar-valued function with respect to some parameters W (e.g the weights and biases of a feed-forward neural network). If you consider the following code, implementing a two-dimensional linear model trained to minimize a MSE loss:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])  #inputs
t = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,])  #labels
W = tf.placeholder(np.eye(2), dtype=tf.float32)  #weights

preds = tf.matmul(x, W)  #linear model
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(preds-t), axis=0) #mse loss

params = tf.trainable_variables() 
hessian = tf.hessians(loss, params)

you'd expect,feed_dict={}) to return a 2x2 matrix (equal to W). It turns out that because paramsis a 2x2 tensor, the output is rather a tensor with shape [2, 2, 2, 2]. While I can easily reshape the tensor to obtain the matrix I want, it seems that this operation might be extremely cumbersome when paramsbecomes a list of tensors of varying size (i.e when the model is a deep neural network for instance).

It seems that are two ways around this:

Is there no straight-forward way to get the Hessian matrix (as in the 2x2 matrix in this example) from tf.hessians, when self.params is a list of tensor of arbitrary shapes? If not, how can you automatize the reshaping of the output tensor of tf.hessians?


  • It turns out (per TensorFlow r1.13) that if len(xs) > 1, then tf.hessians(ys, xs) returns tensors corresponding to only the block diagonal submatrices of the full Hessian matrix. Full story and solutions in this paper, and code at