While I am using reflection I came upon this error. I have a class named Test1, and when I try to get a Class object of it by entering test1 as input to Class.forName() it generates LinkageError instead of ClassNotFoundException. Why does the lower-case letter confuse the program and prevent it from generating the usual ClassNotFoundException as with for example "sjghdjgh"?
Minimal example
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
catch (LinkageError le) {
public class Test1 {
If you ask some file systems for test1.class
they will give you back a Test1.class
instead of a file-not-found (because they are case-insensitive) and then that class file does not contain a class called test1
, but instead a Test1
(Java class names are case-sensitive), so that the classloader errors out.
This is rarely a problem in practice, because most applications are deployed using Jar files (so that there are no individual files for the classes in the filesystem).