
How to print the "actual" learning rate in Adadelta in pytorch

In short:

I can't draw lr/epoch curve when using adadelta optimizer in pytorch because optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] always return the same value.

In detail:

Adadelta can dynamically adapts over time using only first order information and has minimal computational overhead beyond vanilla stochastic gradient descent [1].

In pytorch, the source code of Adadelta is here

Since it requires no manual tuning of learning rate, in my knowledge, we don't have to set any schedular after declare the optimizer

self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adadelta(self.model.parameters(), lr=1)

The way to check learning rate is

current_lr = self.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']

The problem is it always return 1 (the initial lr).

Could anyone tell me how can I get the true learning rate so that can I draw a lr/epch curve?



  • Check: self.optimizer.state. This is optimized with the lr and used in optimization process.

    From documentation a lr is just:

    lr (float, optional): coefficient that scale delta before it is applied to the parameters (default: 1.0)

    Edited: you may find acc_delta values in self.optimizer.state values but you need to go through dictionaries contained by this dictionary:

    dict_with_acc_delta = [self.optimizer.state[i] for i in self.optimizer.state.keys() if "acc_delta" in self.optimizer.state[i].keys()]
    acc_deltas = [i["acc_delta"] for i in dict_with_acc_delta]

    I have eight layers and shapes of elements in the acc_deltas list are following

     torch.Size([4096, 25088]),
     torch.Size([1024, 4096]),
     torch.Size([102, 1024]),