I want to recognise person name from text. But i'm getting confused which NLP library I have to use for NER. I find out following best NLP library for NER 1. Stanford coreNLP 2. Spacy 3. Google cloud.
I unable to find out which library will give more accurate result and good performance. Please help me here.
spaCy have the industrial-strength in terms of NLP and obviously faster and accurate in terms of NER. It is also bundled with multi-lingual models. Check spaCy
Also AllenNLP comes with state-of-the-art NER model but slightly complex to use. Check AllenNLP demo
If paywall is not the issue then I would suggest to go with Google's Cloud Natural Language (of course it is faster and accurate).
I have personally used spaCy and AllenNLP. I would say go with spaCy if you are seeking to just start with.
Hope this helps.