I have the input request like below
i need to form an output like below schema
For the above payload The output should be
i have tried below Xquery to get the same but ended up with errors or not meeting the requiremnt
for $bi in Input/BusinessObjects/BusinessObject/BusinessIdentifiers/BusinessIdentifier
for $bo in Input/BusinessObjects/BusinessObject return string-join($bo/BusinessIdentifiers/BusinessIdentifier/BValue, '|'),
<BKey>data {$bi/Bkey}</BKey>
<Bvalue>data {$bi/Bvalue}</Bvalue>
for $bo in Input/BusinessObjects/BusinessObject return <BOID>{string-join($bo//BValue, ':')}<BOID>
the description for the output fields as follows BIKey-->it has formed with all the Bvalues of 'Business Identifier' concatenated with ':' and then for each businessobject it is separed with '|' Bkey-->Straight mapping with bkey Bvalue-->Straight mapping with Bvalue BOID--> it has to formed for each businessobject, need to concatenate the values Bvalues of Business Identifiers with ':' Any suggestions, i believe that i have to two complex loops in here, but not able to crack it.
With the query
<BIKey>{string-join(ancestor::BusinessObjects/BusinessObject!string-join(.//BValue, ':'), '|')}</BIKey>
<BOID>{ancestor::BusinessObject!string-join(.//BValue, ':')}</BOID>
at https://xqueryfiddle.liberty-development.net/948Fn5g I get the result
In XQuery 1 you don't have the !
simple map operator but you should be able to use for .. return
instead, see https://xqueryfiddle.liberty-development.net/948Fn5g/1 with
for $bi in //BusinessIdentifier
<BIKey>{string-join($bi/ancestor::BusinessObjects/BusinessObject/string-join(.//BValue, ':'), '|')}</BIKey>
<BOID>{$bi/ancestor::BusinessObject/string-join(.//BValue, ':')}</BOID>
or simple steps constructing a new element, see https://xqueryfiddle.liberty-development.net/948Fn5g/2 with
<BIKey>{string-join(ancestor::BusinessObjects/BusinessObject/string-join(.//BValue, ':'), '|')}</BIKey>
<BOID>{ancestor::BusinessObject/string-join(.//BValue, ':')}</BOID>