
For loop appending for each cycle at start rather than just once through its iteration

I am trying to get the key/values appended to some arrays once each. So my result should be a singular occurrence of each key/value pair in my array. However, after each iteration the key/value pair is added and then the iteration restart back at the beginning again, adding the key/value pair again each time.

How can I make it only append each key/value pair once?

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

var usernameScoreDict : [String:String] = ["erer":"eree", "veev":"veve", "tbtt":"bttbt", "umum":"muumu", "bvbv":"bbbcb"]

var unArray = [String]()
var hsArray = [String]()

class MyViewController : UIViewController {
    override func loadView() {
        let view = UIView()
        view.backgroundColor = .white

        usernameScoreDict.forEach { (key,value) in
            print("key is - \(key) and value is - \(value)")


  • You can use a for loop like this:-

    for (key, val) in usernameScoreDict{

    Afterwards you can remove repeated value if any(as I don't think so it will happen) by using set:-

    unArray = (Array(Set(unArray)))
    hsArray = (Array(Set(hsArray)))