Everyone I am facing an issue in react-native as I am new to this .
I am callling a tabbpage from homePage
so in tabpage there is a navbar at the top,below this navbar a tabbar is showing two tabs.
This is good till now but the problem starts from here
In tabPage I have two tabs ->tab1 and tab2
from tab1 I am navigating to page MainPage1 where it is showing a Navbar below navbar a tabbar below tabbar an another navbar. As shown in the picture.
I am totally unable to remove both the top level navbar having title "Stopages" and the tabbar.
I am using Tabview for creating this tabbpage and using stacknavigator for navigating to different pages.I am stuck here and Not able to find solution
NOTE->I have tried using
navigationOptions: {
tabBar: ({ state }) => ({
visible: false
but its not doing anything Please help
class TabPage extends React.Component{
state = {
index: 0,
routes: [
{ key: 'Stopagess', title: 'Stopages' },
{ key: 'MapStopagess', title: 'Maps' },
render() {
return (
Stopagess: Stopages,
MapStopagess: MapStopages,
renderTabBar={props =>
style = {{backgroundColor:'#3f51b5'}}
indicatorStyle={{ color: 'pink' }}
onIndexChange={index => this.setState({ index })}
initialLayout={{ width: Dimensions.get('window').width }}
indicatorStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'pink' }}
This is my Stopages class
class Stopages extends Component {
return (
const StopageDetail = createStackNavigator({
screen: Stpforsomeissue,
navigationOptions: () => ({
tabBarVisible: false,
screen :StopageDetailOfStudents,
navigationOptions: ({ navigation, screenProps }) => ({
title: 'Stopages Detail',
// tabBarVisible: navigation.state.params=false,
headerStyle: { backgroundColor: '#ffd600'},
I believe you are using createMaterialTopNavigator under a root stack with routeName Stopages
and under each Tab route you have a dedicated stack for each one, the first one being the Stopages Detail
. Please correct me if thats not the case and edit your post to show the navigation stack you have written.
This might be useful to you:
The root stack can be like the one below:
createStackNavigator ({
StopPages: {screen: MyTabNavigator, navigationOptions: {header: null}}
and the TabNavigator will be like this:
const MyTabNavigator = createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
Stopages: {screen: StopagesStack},
Maps: {screen: MapsStack},
const StopagesStack = createStackNavigator({
StopagesDetail: {screen: DetailContainer, navigationOptions: {header: null}}
The key to hide default stack navigator's header is to set it null in the navigationOptions.